
Select Country

Select Industry

Business Information

Personal Information

Terms & Conditions

Review & Submit

Step 1/6

Select your country

Step 2/6

Select your industry

A Merchant Category Code will be applied based on the choice.

EV Charging

Car Wash

Food & Drink Vending


Step 3/6

Business Information

Provide business information

Step 4/6

Personal Information

Please provide your or authorized personal information

Step 5/6

Terms and Conditions

Please read the terms and conditions and approve

Step 6/6

Step 6/6

Review and Submit

Please review important information and click submit

Business Information

Personal Information

Pricing Plan

Flat Rate 3.25 % + 10¢

  • Account Registration Fee $99
  • Activation Per Terminal $9.99
  • $9 per month without SIM
  • $14 per month with SIM